Upstate SC Tree Selection Guide (Zone 8)

beautiful maple tree 8 months after work
Large ~ Greater than 50 feet tall when mature

American Hybrid Chestnut, Ash (Green & Narrowleaf), Baldcypress, Basswood (American & Carolina), Beech (American, European & Oriental), Blackgum, Black Maple, Cottonwood, Cucumbertree, Dawn Redwood, Deodar Cedar, Hickory, Kentucky Coffeetree, Lacebark Elm, Oak (Bur, Cherrybark, Chestnut, Live, Nuttall, Overcup, Shumard, Swamp Chestnut, Swamp White, Water, White & Willow), Pecan, Pine (Loblolly & Longleaf), Pondcypress, Sweetgum (American & ‘Rotundiloba’) & Yellow-poplar

Medium ~ 25 to 50 feet tall when mature

American Hornbeam, Carolina Silverbell, Catalpa, Chinese Fringetree, Chinese Pistache, Crape Myrtle (‘Biloxi’, ‘Choctaw’, ‘Fantasy’, ‘Muskogee’, ‘Natchez’, ‘Watermelon Red’ & ‘Wichita’), Eastern Redcedar, Golden Raintree, Holly (American, Carolina, ‘Nellie R. Stevens’, ‘East Palatka’ & ‘Hume #2’), Hophornbeam, Magnolia (Big Leaf & Umbrella), Maple (Chalk, ‘Freeman’, Norwegian Sunset, Paperbark, Stripped, Trident & Southern Sugar), Pindo Palm, Pesimmon, Purple-leaf Plum, Redbud (‘Red Leaf’ & ‘Oklahoma’), Snowbell (Carolina, Two-winged & Japanese), Sassafras, Sourwood & Yellowwood

Small ~ Less than 25 feet tall when mature

‘Ben Davis’ Apple, Bigleaf Snowbell, Camelia, Celeste Fig, Chastetree,  Chinquapin, Crape Myrtle (‘Alabama White’, ‘Catawba’, ‘Commanche’, ‘Dynamite’, ‘Rubra Nana’, ‘Twilight’ & ‘Zuni’), Dogwood (Flowering,  ‘Kousa’ & ‘Spring Glow’), Flowering Crabapple, Fringetree, Holly (‘Emily Bruner’, ‘Foster’s’, Winterberry & Yaupon), Japanese Stewartia, Loquat, Magnolia (‘Saucer’, ‘Star’ & ‘Wada’s Memory’), Maple (Amur & Japanese), Palm (Dwarf Palmetto, European Fan, Needle, Silver Saw & Windmill), Pawpaw, Plum (American, ‘Blireiana’ & ‘Pissard’), Red Buckeye, Rose of Sharon, Serviceberry, Tea-olive, White Fringetree & Witch-hazel

If you have suggestions about adding to or removing from our list, we welcome your input! We are here for you.

Tree info (copy the common name above, and find it below & paste the name):

Tree Evaluations & Reports

Before you call a tree removal service, let our impartial consulting arborists identify potential hazards and diseases, and recommend proven solutions. Our approach spares our clients needless worry and, often, thousands of dollars in removal and treatment costs.

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