Greentree Consulting Arborist Disclosure Statement


Since 1996, Randy Cyr of Greentree has performed 100’s of thousands of successful International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Tree Risk Assessments (TRA) & health diagnoses, which has likely resulted in the preservation of over 1 million trees in the Upstate that might otherwise have been cut down by tree removal companies. TRA can be an effective tool in the hands of an owner/ manager. We are here to serve you!

During the Great Ice Storm of 2004, while much of the Upstate looked like a war zone, of the thousands of clients Randy provided TRA for, only one was found to have significant property damage. We believe this was no accident.

Randy is the Upstate’s first ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, the first American Society of Consulting Arborists graduate, and one of only a few TRA Qualified arborists. Possibly, no other arborist is more qualified, has more hands-on experience, with a better track record.

As a service to the community, and in the interest of preserving our beautiful Upstate, Randy provides a verbal, Level 1 Limited Visual Assessment (identifying obvious distant tree defects) & Level 2 Basic Assessment (closer visual inspection, often involving percussion hammer sounding) & diagnosis, at his own cost.

Trees pose a certain degree of hazard and risk from breakage, failure, uprooting or other causes and conditions. Through his analysis, and by expressing his observations, conclusions & recommendations, Randy attempts to minimize or reduce hazardous conditions that may be associated with trees. Clients may choose to accept or disregard his recommendations or seek additional advice.

Arborists cannot detect or anticipate every condition that could possibly lead to the death and/or structural failure of trees. Trees are living organisms, as well as dynamic structures, that die & fail in ways we do not fully understand. Structural defects and signs of pests may remain hidden within trees, vines or below ground. Risk Assessors are not required to perform a higher level of assessment or assess trees other than what is specified (ANSI A300 92.5 & 6).

Conversely, Randy Cyr and Greentree cannot ensure or guarantee that a tree will remain safe or healthy under all circumstances, or for a specified period. Likewise, remedial treatments, like any medicine, cannot be guaranteed.

No matter how thorough a Risk Assessor may be in their inspection, it is the tree owner/manager that assumes all risks as the Risk Manager and must decide if more testing is needed, further opinion sought, or actions of abatement taken. Do not let a tree removal service decide for you. Trees can be managed, but they cannot be controlled. To live near trees is to accept some degree of risk. Risk Managers should strive to strike a good balance between the benefits trees provide and the risk they pose. The only way all eliminate all risk is to eliminate all trees. And that would be a bleak existence~

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